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Laboratory News

A selection of features and comment pieces from Laboratory News


Climate Change - what is all the fuss about 

The Science of Chocolate 

Extreme Earth Series - Tornadoes, EarthquakesTsunami

New Horizons (a piece on the UKSA)

Science in the Kitchen

Life Through a Lens: Thomas Midgely JnrRosalind Franklin, Forgotten Scientist, Marie Curie, Radioactivity and the woman who discovered it 

Diamond Discoveries

Christmas Chemistry

Asbestos - a journey of discovery

The Good, The Bad and the Colourful

The Successful Failure

The Nuclear Trinity

Looking to the Left

Science and Social Media - are you connected?

Spring Cleaning in Space 

A Deadly Solution

The Trouble with Sleep

Lifting the Veil on ME

The Future of Human Evolution

Putting it all on the (Periodic) Table

Abandoning the Event Horizon

Supplements - Because they're worth it?

A New Lease of life

Interviews - The Big Ask

Cell Communication in Rune Linding

Wet Information Professing with Maurits de Planque

Talking Viruses With Luke Jerram

Oxygen Sensing with Peter Ratcliffe

Exploring Sharks' sense of smell with Jonathan Cox

Mammoth Hunting with Alan Cooper

Michael Brooks fights science's corner

Fighter pilor turned scientish - Missy Cummings

Make-up artist turned forensic scientist - Joanna Fraser

Diamond's always different for Claire Pizzey

Size Matters for Mark Miodownik

Neural interactions wth Rogier Mars

Paul Scotting takes genetics into his own hands

Dinosaur Detective Phil Manning

Toxic gases with Chris Cooper

A ray of sunshine with Lucie Green

Roy Wogeius unlocks fossils' secrets

Edward Lemke opens doors for molecular biologists

Pathogenic microbes earn Dr Edward Feil a scientific medal

Award winning lecturer Chick C Wilson

Professor Bruce Hood would like to introduce you to your brain

Glassblowing with Paul le Pinnet

Mary Ryan tries to save the last Flying Pencil

Dr Daniel Mullensiefen on sing along able tunes

Dating agency for scientists - not quite, says Andrew McElroy

Exploring the world under our feet with Paul Younger

There's no story quite like our own - Jon Agar

Returning bumblebees to Britain's Countryside - Dr Mark Brown

Talking sci novs and cancer with Dr Robin Hesketh

Drug development with Paul Workman

Heather Williams scigrrl director on overcoming science's gender bias

Dr Peter Wothers delivers the RI Christmas Lecturers

​Discussing UK science with Andrea Sella

Life fantastic with Alison Woollard

Giving life to the Dead - Barts Pathology Museum's Carla Valentine

Science and Outreach with Anne Pawsey

A new way of bringing science to the masses - Soapbox Science

Guiliana Noratto says eat three peaches a day

Weighing Dinosaurs with Dr Roger Benson

How to hack your home, with RI Christmas Lecturer Danielle George

Dr Eva Marie Graefe juggles science and motherhood with help from L'Oreal and UNESCO

Operation Cloud Lab: Secrets of the Skies

Chemistry in the Perfect Coffee

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a flying snake...seriously, a flying snake

Editorial Comment & Analysis

Is there a Consciousness Confidence Crisis?

Bright ideas needed for Deepwater Horizon

Special Report: What's in a name?

Cloning - unsafe or just misunderstood?

Special Report: Race for the Higgs is on

Powered by Poo

Where are the Women?

The Future of Healthcare - is it in the app?

Unlocking the secrets of the Zebrafish

Are young people really turned off by science?

Removing the mystery of the Mona Lisa

Pointless Additions

What is fracking and is it safe?

The Butterfly Effect

Happy Birthday Prospero

Nobel Assembly bend the rules

Is there any point in IQ tests

CFC replacements are greenhouse gases

Silicone Scam

Will colouring fear cross the Atlantic?

Extremes become the norm - is this global weirding?

Debate not destroy

UK Biobank open for business

Curiosity reaches Mars

Cosmetics con

​Do we need to rethink our relationship with bacteria?

Is private investment robbing science of important finds?

A Year in Science

The dilemma of the talking head

​A very Social Affair

How do we combat the anti-vaxxers?

Europe divided on GM

Science Lite

Its all about the curl

The most unusual talent

Halloween Science

Be-tatted risk junkies or just fashionistas?

To shave or not to shave

The Colour of Science

Do you suffer bicycle face?

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