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Other work

A selection of my other work from around the web

Summize: Artificial Intelligence & Contract Lifecycle Management

Summize: Artificial Intelligence & Contract Lifecycle Management

In a slight departure from my usual work, I've been helping out at Summize, writing about artificial intelligence and contract lifecycle management software aimed at in-house legal departments.

You can find some of the work here:

And an e-book:

PMS and pregnancy

PMS and pregnancy

A piece I wrote for Evelyn Health on pregnancy and PMS

Biofilm – are you active or passive?

Biofilm – are you active or passive?

A piece I wrote for CleanCert Hygiene on biofilms in dentistry:
Biofilms – the sticky, slimy build-up of bacteria on surfaces like your teeth – represent a very real hazard in the dental environment. Biofilms are the reason for most frontline dental treatment, from plaque to endodontic to periodontal to peri-implantitis disease.

LN: Knowledge is power - In silicon modelling of Covid-19

LN: Knowledge is power - In silicon modelling of Covid-19

Piece on in silico modelling written on behalf of Elsevier (pg 27-29)

NS Energy: How electric mining equipment is leaving its mark on the industry

NS Energy: How electric mining equipment is leaving its mark on the industry

The future of mining equipment, and vehicles specifically, is in electrification – both from an environmental and economic efficiency perspective

Harper's Bazaar: Sleep deprivation: what happens when you don't get enough sleep?

Harper's Bazaar: Sleep deprivation: what happens when you don't get enough sleep?

Here's what really happens to your body if you don't sleep after one night, one week and even longer...

Capital Life Funeral Plans

Capital Life Funeral Plans

I've been working on some content creation pieces for Capital Life Funeral Plans recently, here are a few examples:

What Happens When I Have Paid for my Funeral Plan?
The Decline on Religious Funerals
Dying Matters - Gain Peace of Mind Through a Funeral Plan

The importance of being a creative laywer

The importance of being a creative laywer

A piece I wrote for Summize:

"Law isn’t always seen through a creative lens, especially when compared to more artistic sectors. It’s often perceived as rigid, academic, and perhaps a little dry. Law may be built on precedent, but the profession is ripe for change and is ready for an injection of all-important creativity."

The CELL CULTURE innovations increasing drug discovery success

The CELL CULTURE innovations increasing drug discovery success

A piece I helped write for Drug Discovery World on behalf of BioStrata:

'Fail early, fail fast' has been a mantra in the pharmaceutical industry for several years and directly impacts the overall strategy of many drug discovery and development programmes. Yet, despite the drive to fail early, many programmes still suffer late-stage attrition, with only 14% of drug candidates at Phase 1 making it to market

Anti-spoof technology keeps fingerprints safe

Anti-spoof technology keeps fingerprints safe

Technology protects against copying and verifies living samples

The ridges and valleys in your fingerprints are unique; no two people – not even twins – have the exact same fingerprint. Because of this, they are among the most commonly used biometric signatures today. However, they can be copied – or spoofed – so all of us must remain vigilant.

Modified metamaterial could fly high

Modified metamaterial could fly high

Acoustic membrane type metamaterials could help reduce aircraft noise

In our technologically advanced world, noise pollution is an increasing problem. It is, therefore, necessary to develop more sophisticated ways of controlling noise.

Better propulsion system for next generation space travel

Better propulsion system for next generation space travel

Space transport to benefit from propulsion systems based on fusion plasma

A Soyuz rocket sitting on the launchpad holds approximately 347,000 pounds of propellant in each of its four boosters. While this is great for thrusting the craft into orbit, it comes at a heavy price – literally. But what if we could reduce the amount of fuel needed?

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